Board Meeting Minutes January 9, 2025
Quincy Fire Protection District
Board of Directors Meeting
Date: January 9, 2025
Time: 08:00 AM – 9:00 AM
Location: Feather Publishing Co. Board Room
Address: 287 Lawrence St. Quincy, CA 95971
I. Call to Order:
a) Chairman Mike Taborski called the meeting to order at 8:00 a.m. with Vice-Chairman Johnny Mansell, Treasurer Andy Ryback, Fire Chief Frank Carey, and Administrative Secretary Karrie White in attendance.
Public Comment: None
II. Approval of December 12, 2024, Meeting Minutes:
a) Chairman Taborski asked if the board members reviewed the minutes; Treasurer Ryback said yes and motioned to approve the December minutes. Vice-Chairman Mansell seconded the motion, and the motion carried.
III. Financial Committee Report: Treasurer Ryback
a) Ryback: Karrie has provided the financials and account reconciliations. There were not many changes; the cash balance is $2,4 million. On the revenue side, there was not much change. We had a couple of expenses. Mandatory safety equipment was up, and repair safety equipment was up, but the expenses were down by $10,000.
Treasurer Ryback discussed the CD’s rates and suggested contacting Plumas Bank and speaking with Jeb Heiman to close the one CD that rolled over into a lesser interest rate. Move it into the money market account, which is at a 3% rate until the financial committee can decide where to invest the money.
Taborski asked Karrie if she had done any research on investments. Karrie said yes, the California Special Districts Association provided a pamphlet on California Class investment CDs with a higher yield that does not roll over. Taborski asked Karrie to get more information regarding the investments. Discussion tabled.
b) Mansell: made a motion to transfer $30,000.00 from the money market account to the checking (operating) account Ryback seconded the motion, motion carried.
IV. Committee Business, Discussion, and Actions:
1) Discussion and actions on the Policy and Procedure Manual.
a) Karrie said she has been working on sections of the Manual which she sent out to Chief Carey, and Chairman Taborski for review. Taborski said the revisions are sections that do not apply to our fire department. Taborski discussed what this project encompasses for Karrie and Taborski offered to review and edit the manual and assist Karrie and when he completes the revisions, he will have a meeting with Fire Chief Carey and Karrie, to go over the draft manual for any other revisions, which then we be will present for board approval
V. Fire Chief Report: Frank Carey:
a) We had 52 calls for the month: 47 EMS, and 5 fire, which is up a little bit with an average call attendance of 4.
b) Our Tuesday drill training schedule for the next six months is completed with the training geared to the Fire Academy that’s upcoming in April. Chief Carey and the board members discussed the types of training for the Academy and any new changes.
c) The Officer's Installation is on February 15. it starts at 6:00 p.m. with dinner at 7:00 p.m. On Friday we will be cooking dinner for Dixon, on Saturday Dixon will be cooking for the Officer's Installation, and on Sunday we are doing the thank-you breakfast send-off.
I will need a board member to present the Firefighter of the Year and the Support Team Member of the Year. Taborski agreed to the installation, and Mansell presented the Firefighter of the Year.
d) OES–360 received a call to go down to Palisades in Southern California. Engineer Tony Arcangeli, Engine Boss Marten Munoz (Chopper), and FF Dagan Little one of our new firefighters who has all his certifications, the fourth member we pulled in Captain Cody Ward from Graeagle. Taborski asked how long the crew would be in Southern California.
Chief Carey said two weeks or 21 days depending on the incident. Chief Carey and the board members discussed OES-360 and the crew members regarding sending our first responders and cutting our staff short for local incidents. Chief Carey said Assistant Chief Dale Ready and FF Chopper are key officers they will not go out on OES-360 together.
VI. Fire Chief Carey Fire Drills:
a) On 1/07/25: Officer’s meeting to review monthly training, corporate financials, and upcoming events.
b) On 1/14/25: Fit testing, immunizations, and OSHA Occumed questionnaire
c) On 1/21/25: CPR recertifications
d) On 1/28/25: Documentation and communication on incident reports
VII. Fire Chief Inspection Report: Fire Chief Carey
a) No updates at this time.
VIII. Other District Business, Discussion, and Actions:
1) Fire Station 2 replacement: Chief Carey
a) Chief Carey said no updates on the buildings, as far as the gym equipment we are going to set a date for the volunteers to take out the equipment. The equipment was a donation from the Athletic Club so were either giving it away to the volunteers or offering it to free the general public.
2) Appraisal on property 20 Redberg Ave, (Skips 4x4 shop).
a) The board members discussed the property and deferred to Chief Frank on the research regarding the cost of the existing metal building. The cost of the additional building materials needed to meet the stations' building code requirements on 20 Redberg Ave.
In comparison to purchasing a pre-fabricated metal building for station 2 with the building code requirements already in place excluding the removal of the building and foundation. After considerable discussion, the board decided not to pursue the property on 20 Redberg Ave.
3) Discussion, and possible action regarding the progress of the LaPorte facility project:
a) Chief Carey and Mansell said no updates from the County Council regarding the LaPorte facility project.
2) Discussion, and possible action regarding part-time positions:
a) Taborski, update on the interviews that we conducted for the part-time position in the office we had four applicants. The committee decided to offer the position to Linda Bauer. Discussion and actions are tabled until the next board meeting.
Ryback made a motion to adjourn the meeting, with Mansell seconding the motion, motion carried.
Chairman Taborski adjourned the meeting at 8:55 a.m.
Submitted: _________________________ ____________
Chairman Taborski Date
Public Participation is encouraged. In compliance with Section 202 of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (42 U.S.C. Sec 12132) and in compliance with the Ralph M. Brown Act, if you need special assistance to enable you to attend and participate in this meeting or if you need the agenda or related materials in an alternative format please get in touch with the Administrative Secretary at 530-283-0870 at least 24 hours in advance of the meeting.