Board Meeting Minutes December 12 2024
Quincy Fire Protection District
Board of Directors Meeting
Date: December 12, 2024
Time: 08:00 AM – 9:00 AM
Location: Feather Publishing Co. Board Room
Address: 287 Lawrence St. Quincy, CA 95971
I. Call to Order:
a) Chairman Mike Taborski called the meeting to order at 8:00 a.m. with Vice-Chairman Johnny Mansell, Treasurer Andy Ryback, Fire Chief Frank Carey, and Administrative Secretary Karrie White in attendance.
Public Comment: None
II. Approval of November 21, 2024, Meeting Minutes:
a) Chairman Taborski asked if the board members reviewed the minutes; Treasurer Ryback said yes and motioned to approve the November amended minutes with corrections made as discussed. Vice-Chairman Mansell seconded the motion, motion carried.
III. Financial Committee Report: Treasurer Ryback
a) Ryback: Karrie has provided the financials, including the reconciliations on all the accounts, nothing unusual on the operating account. Cash balance holding at $2,415,583.84 The Plumas Bank's $500,000 CD matured in November it gets automatically extended for another 11 months at the interest rate of 0.7500.
b) Mansell: made a motion to transfer $30,000.00 from the money market account to the checking (operating) account Ryback seconded the motion, motion carried.
IV. Committee Business, Discussion, and Actions:
1) Discussion and possible actions on the Policy and Procedure Manual.
a) Karrie reported there were no recent updates at this time.
2) Discussion and possible actions on Request for Proposal (RFP) audit services.
a) Karrie asked if the board received her email regarding Robert Johnson Accountancy Group’s proposal of services for review. Board reviewed the proposal and had a discussion comparing the price provided by Karrie on Johnson Accountancy Group, and Singleton’s Accountancy Group.
After reviewing the proposed services and cost comparisons the board decided to keep the current auditor Fletcher & Company.
V. Fire Chief Report: Frank Carey:
a) We had 49 calls for the month: 43 EMS, 5 fire, 1 mutual aid, and 1 hazmat, with an average firefighter call attendance of 4.45 per call.
b) Our annual Captains elections for the officers who were voted on were Riley Dupont, Eric Vinyard, Tony Arcangeli, and Matt West so my same captains are back for another year.
c) Quincy Inc decided to make jackets for the membership for the holiday party, firefighter William (Billy) Melms will be barbequing ribs and chicken, and everyone will be bringing a side dish. Wayne Leiss at T’s 2 Go is making the jackets.
They are very simple with logos, names, association (Firefighter, Captain, Support Team) auxiliaries will have their name added once they have completed the Fire Academy.
d) On December 11 we had the Community Supper at the Methodist Church, we served 167 meals which was a great turnout for our community.
VI. Fire Chief Carey Fire Drills:
a) On 12/03/24: Officer’s meeting to go over monthly training, corporate financials, and upcoming events.
b) On 12/10/24: Fire drill, refresher EMT skills we have 6 firefighters in the EMT club they are taking their finals tonight they learned a lot in this drill.
c) On 12/17/24: Rescue drill, no drill we have our holiday party.
d) On 12/24/24: Fire drill: no drill Merry Christmas Eve.
VII. Fire Chief Inspection Report: Fire Chief Carey
a) The fire alarms are currently in full swing at Feather River College. I spoke with Al Vaughn from Portola, and he is starting the fire alarm replacements at the childcare and working on the next series of replacements around that. I was informed it would be a year-long project.
b) Feather River College is a Firewise community. Yesterday the Forest Service, CALFIRE, and Jon Dvorak, the leader of the Firewise community at the college, have been doing a lot of defensible space work around the campus. We walked all the way around one parking lot and around the dorms. Jon is doing a great job working in conjunction with the other departments.
VIII. Other District Business, Discussion, and Actions:
1) Fire Station 2 replacement: Chief Carey
a) Ryback questioned the building season’s timeline and the current bids. The Board wants to remove the upstairs gym equipment and continue moving forward with Station 2’s building replacement or remodel the existing building.
The board would like to see some firm numbers before deciding to move forward with spending half million dollars or more to build a new structure there or in some other location or to remodel/rebuild the current fire station. The board wants this information presented sooner than later so a decision can be made to move forward.
2) Discussion, and possible action regarding the progress of the LaPorte facility project:
a) Chief Frank, I have not received any new information.
3) Discussion, and possible action regarding part-time position:
a) Taborski and Mansell reviewed the previous meeting notes creating a part-time position on Karrie’s position with her also becoming a part-time employee. The new candidates’ hours and rate of pay were also discussed.
Moving forward the board members decided to establish an interview panel that would include Chief Carey, Karrie, and Chairman Taborski. They will interview the four candidates who have applied.
If they do not meet the requirements then the board will consider extending the application process with the hope of gaining some new applications.
The meeting was adjourned by Chairman Taborski at 9:28 a.m.
Submitted: _________________________ ____________
Chairman Taborski Date
Public Participation is encouraged. In compliance with Section 202 of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (42 U.S.C. Sec 12132) and the Ralph M. Brown Act, if you need special assistance to attend and participate in this meeting or if you need the agenda or related materials in an alternative format, please contact the Administrative Secretary at 530-283-0870 at least 24 hours in advance of the meeting.