Board Meeting Minutes November 21 2024
Quincy Fire Protection District
Board of Directors
Meeting November 21, 2024
Feather Publishing Co. Board Room
287 Lawrence St. Quincy, CA 95971
I. Call to Order:
a) Chairman Mike Taborski called the meeting to order at 8:00 a.m. with Vice-Chairman Johnny Mansell, Treasurer Andy Ryback, Fire Chief Frank Carey, and Administrative Secretary Karrie White in attendance.
Public Comment: None
II. Approval of November 21, 2024, Meeting Minutes:
a) Chairman Taborski asked if the board members reviewed the minutes; Treasurer Ryback said yes and made a motion to approve the November minutes, with Vice-Chairman Mansell seconding the motion, and the motion was approved.
III. Financial Committee Report: Treasurer Ryback
a) Ryback, Karrie has provided the backup of the financial report. The cash balance is $2,450,000. Income for the month is down $10,000,00; it was $11,000,00. We did get OES Gold Complex funds in. We had extra payrolls in October, a typical month.
Karrie provided the CD reconciliations, the $500,000,00 matures in December 2024, second CD $1,000,000,00 in March 2025 the rates will be lowered. The board members discussed possible options for investments with Edward Jones.
Karrie said Chris Norden from CSDA (California Special District Association) stopped by the office and shared current information for cash management solutions designed for California public agencies. California Class is a local government investment pool.
b) Ryback: made a motion to transfer funds of $35,000.00 from the money market account to the checking (operating) account Mansell seconded the motion, motion carried.
IV. Committee Business, Discussion, and Actions:
1) Discussion and possible actions on the Policy and Procedure Manual.
a) Karrie reported there were no recent updates at this time.
2) Discussion and possible actions on Request for Proposal (RFP) audit services.
a) Karrie: Bequette and Kimmel declined our proposal. Singleton Auman PC Certified Public Accountants and Consultants, Clay Singleton, emailed his proposal for the board to review his standard hourly rates, estimated to be $22,000.00 for fiscal years 23/24 and 25/26.
One other company is pending: Robert Johnson Accountancy Corporation Mary Cummins is mailing out the proposal. Once I receive it, I will email the proposal to the board.
V. Fire Chief Report: Frank Carey:
a) We had 47 calls for the month: 41 EMS, 4 fire, 1 mutual aid, and 1 hazmat, with an average firefighter call attendance of 4 per call.
b) Robert (Charlie) Read’s celebration of life services was on Saturday. Retired Fire Chief Robbie Cassou, Ralph Wilburn, Mike Lomas, and a few others spoke, and the service was well attended.
VI. Fire Chief Carey Fire Drills:
b) On 11/05/24: Officer’s meeting to go over monthly training, corporate financials, and upcoming events.
c) On 11/12/24: Fire drill, electrical emergencies with PG&E
d) On 11/19/24: Rescue drill, RIC team, communication, and mayday.
e) On 11/26/24: Fire drill: Scene lighting, salvage, and overhaul.
VII. Fire Chief Inspection Report: Fire Chief Carey
a) The fire alarms are currently being installed by Current Electric at Feather River College.
b) The district is getting a 2016 Linde LPG-powered forklift from Ken Fraga at Fraga Forklift sales sometime next week. The wire transfer of $6,606.60 will be on next month's financials
c) Burning has started in the no-burn zone with the new 318 rule. I’ve been checking, and people are burning with the right permits, they call dispatch, and dispatch informs us. Taborski asked for clarification on the 318 rules.
The 318 rule originally outlined boundaries on American Valley properties in Quincy and East Quincy where you could not burn. These rules were set by the Plumas County Board of Supervisors.
The Air Quality Management District (AQMD) states all open burning, residential and non-residential, regardless of burn type and size, of yard waste, shall be banned, unless permitted by the (AQMD) district, in that portion of the American Valley known as Quincy and East Quincy, which is a portion of the Quincy Fire Protection District.
In the remainder of that portion of the Quincy Fire Protection District, all burning shall be permitted according to all existing regulations. Burning shall be allowed year-round when conducted by all existing regulations.
American Valley means all land within the boundaries of the Quincy Fire Protection District, as amended in the Plumas County Ordinance #90-742 (amendment to Section 8-13.01 – Definitions).
The Northern Sierra Air Quality Control (NSAQMD) has since rescinded the rule where now you must have a burn permit from Northern Sierra Air Quality Control and a Cal-Fire burn permit, and it must be a permissible burn day in Quincy and East Quincy. For more information, you can visit the website for all regulatory rules. For local contact numbers and information visit Quincy Fire’s website under services.
VIII. Other District Business, Discussion, and Actions:
1) Fire Station 2 replacement: Chief Carey
a) I have not had any correspondence with the companies we reached out to. We are still moving forward.
2) Discussion, and possible action regarding the progress of the LaPorte facility project:
a) Chief Frank, I spoke with Tracy Ferguson she has a meeting scheduled with the Plumas County Counsel next week.
3) Discussion, and possible action regarding part-time position:
a) Board members discussed authorizing Karrie full-time for up to 8 weeks of training for the new part-time position, after the training period reducing Karrie to 16 hours a week. New employee's starting wage for the 90-day probation period at $18.00 an hour up to 32 hrs. a week.
After 90 days of probation, a job performance review, an increase to level one pay scale of $20.97 with the option to full-time. Board members discussed the options of two part-time positions, leaving the discussion open and tabled for review.
Ryback made a motion for Chairman Taborski to be part of the hiring committee of three and approve any recommendations. Mansell seconded the motion passed.
Ryback made a motion to adjourn the meeting, Mansell seconded the motion, motion carried.
The meeting was adjourned by Chairman Taborski at 8:48 a.m.
Submitted: _________________________ ____________
Chairman Taborski Date
Public Participation is encouraged. In compliance with Section 202 of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (42 U.S.C. Sec 12132) and the Ralph M. Brown Act, if you need special assistance to attend and participate in this meeting or if you need the agenda or related materials in an alternative format, please contact the Administrative Secretary at 530-283-0870 at least 24 hours in advance of the meeting.