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Board Meeting Minutes June 13, 2024

Quincy Fire Protection District

Board of Directors

Meeting June 13, 2024

Feather Publishing Co. Board Room

287 Lawrence St. Quincy, CA 95971

I.      Call to Order:

     a)    Chairman Mike Taborski called the meeting to order at 8:00 a.m. with Vice-Chairman Johnny Mansell, Treasurer Andrew Ryback, Fire Chief Frank Carey, and Administrative Secretary Karrie White in attendance.

Public Comment:  None

 II.      Approval of May 23, 2024, Meeting Minutes:

     a)    Chairman Taborski asked if the minutes were reviewed by the board members; Ryback made a motion to approve the minutes with Vice-Chairman Mansell seconding the motion, motion was approved.

III.    Financial Committee Report:

     a)    Ryback: Karrie has provided you with the balance sheet, income statement, and bank reconciliations for all the accounts. The cash balance with the apportionment money we received in June was for April apportionment, which is $231,581, it was just over $2.5 million. Expenses for fire safety equipment for the Type-6 vehicle was $10,000, leaving us with a $35,000 net decline or loss for the month.

     b)   Ryback: Transfer of funds from the money market into the operating checking account was $50,000.

IV.  Committee Business, Discussion, and Actions:

   1)    Discussion and possible actions on the Policy and Procedure Manual

            Karrie reported there were no updates at this time.

2)  Discussion and possible actions: Resolution 2024-0613-1 Workplace Violence Prevention as per SB 533

     a)    Taborski asked board members and the chief if they have had a chance to review Cal OSHA’s new requirement for the Workplace Violence Prevention Plan that Karrie put together. The board discussed the prevention plan and agreed to adopt the resolution 2024-0613-1 with amendments to some of the wording where references to the General Manager, Manager, Human Resources, and Supervisor be changed to the Fire Chief and changing reference to employees to include district volunteers.

 Taborski made a motion to approve Resolution 2024-0613-1 Workplace Violence Prevention Plan subject to the amended changes. Mansell seconded the motion. The motion was approved by the following vote:

  AYES: Board Members; Taborski, Mansell, Ryback

  NOES: None

  ABSENT: None


V.  Fire Chief Report: Frank Carey:

     a)    We had a total of 60 calls for the month: 47 EMS, 11 fire, 1 mutual aid, and 1 hazmat with an average firefighter call attendance of 5.02.

     b)    This Friday, June 14, 2024, with the help of the VFW (Veterans of Foreign Wars) we are doing a flag retirement ceremony at Station 1 at 9:00 a.m. We have the races this Saturday and we have a crew already in place for that event.

     c)     The Lost and Found Gravel Grinder bike races are on June 15, 2024, in Portola I have a couple of EMTs going up there to cover the medical tent for the races.

     d)    Lisa Hopman, an important member of our support team, has passed away. We are having her memorial services at the fairgrounds on Friday between 3 and 5 p.m. Quincy Volunteer firefighters and the Support Team will be attending with two engines.

     e)     The Chief’s command vehicle is going to Sierra Electric in Reno on Monday, June 17 to get the lights and sirens installed.

     f)      Chief Carey said he did a fire safety talk at the domestic violence house on Monday, covering fire extinguishers, smoke alarms, carbon monoxide detectors fire escapes, and fire ladders.

     g)    The commissioner's dinner to serve the volunteers after their drill is August 27, 2024. The pancake breakfast will be on July 27, 2024.

    h)    Chief Carey said the next CalFire grant for the Type-6 vehicle is in September, Captain Matt West is preparing the application which we fully expect to be approved.

VI.   Fire Chief Carey Fire Drills:

     a)  On 6/4/24:  Officer’s meeting to go over monthly training, corporate financials, and upcoming events.

     b)  On 6/11/24: Deputy Chief David Schmid was in charge of the water shuttle fire drill which consisted of drafting out of creeks and getting water to either a portable tank or the water tender.

     c)  On 6/18/24: Rescue drill, heat emergencies, and burn injuries. Careflight will do a lecture for us.

     d)  On 6/25/24: Captain Eric Vinyard will cover ID hazards, scene size-up, and engine placement.

VII.   Fire Chief Inspection Report:

       a) Ryback asked for an update on Feather River College hydrants, and dorms. Chief Frank said the fire hydrants are in the dorms they have been cleaned up. The only item left is to finish up the fire alarm system and he will have a meeting with Tony Warndorf tomorrow for an update.

        b) West End Theater plans are at the building department, permits were issued. The Plumas County Library is finished with the renovations and the chief said he will follow up on the new fire alarm system installation.

VIII.  Other District Business, Discussion, and Actions:

  1)  Fire Station 2 replacement: Chief Carey

      a)   Chief Carey said Deputy Chief David Schmid, Jessie Lazzarino, and Marten Munoz met with Jeff Hayes from Modern Building Company to measure and discuss estimates for replacing Station 2. Jeff will be getting back to us with a price quote. If the board approves the project and pricing the replacement will be targeted for the spring of 2025.

2)  Discussion, and possible action regarding the progress of the LaPorte facility project:

     a)  Chief Frank and Mansell will be attending the board of supervisors meeting on Tuesday, June 18, 2024, seeking the board's approval to acquire the land from the county.

Ryback made a motion to adjourn the meeting, Mansell seconded the motion, motion was approved.

The Meeting was adjourned by Chairman Taborski at 8:45 a.m.


Submitted:  _________________________             ____________

                      Chairman Taborski                                   Date


Public Participation is encouraged. In compliance with Section 202 of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (42 U.S.C. Sec 12132) and in compliance with the Ralph M. Brown Act, if you need special assistance to enable you to attend and participate in this meeting or if you need the agenda or related materials in an alternative format please contact the Administrative Secretary at 530-283-0870 at least 24 hours in advance of the meeting.